《Talk Changsha》第十期丨长沙智造:工业AI未来可期

    2024-03-06 22:27:53


Smart Manufacturing in Changsha: A Blue-sea Market of Industrial AI


随着科技的飞速发展,人工智能时代已然来临,工业的发展也进入小批量、大批次、定制化的柔性生产制造新阶段,工业AI以其快速而广泛的扩展性和实用性,成为了推动智能制造发展的强力引擎。Talk Changsha第十期《长沙智造:工业AI未来可期》,我们邀请来自视比特机器人的全球副总裁、于宏(Andy Yu),共同探讨人工智能时代,长沙工业AI助推智能制造的现实意义和发展方向。

With the rapid development of science and technology, the era of AI has come. Meanwhile,the development of industry has entered the new stage of small batch, large quantity, customised flexible production. Therefore,industrial AI has become a powerful engine to promote the development of smart manufacturing with its rapid and wide scalability and practicality. In the 10th issue of Talk Changsha,"Smart Manufacturing in Changsha: A Blue-sea Market of Industrial AI ", we have invited Andy Yu, Vice President of SpeedBot Robostics Co,. Ltd, to discuss the value and direction of Changsha's smart manufacturing with the impetus of industrial AI in the new era.


一审:唐璐 封豪


