
    2023-08-29 11:34:11

中国男性中, 大约41.1%超重或肥胖 ,而中国女性中,这一比例为27.7%。

该数据来源于一篇题为《中国肥胖患病率及相关并发症:1580万成年人的横断面真实世界研究》的研究报告,于8月17日刊载在 学术期刊《糖尿病、肥胖与代谢》Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 上。

中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心的研究人员分析了 2019年来自 全国31个省市自治区519个某健康体检中心数据,涉及近1580万名成年人受试者。

Researchers from the First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital analyzed data of about 15.8 million eligible participants from 519 Meinian health check-up centers across 243 cities in China.


按照中国人的BMI分级,34.8%的人超重,14.1%的人肥胖。 超重和肥胖在男性中比女性更普遍,男性超重的比例为41.1%,女性为27.7%;男性肥胖比例为18.2%,女性为9.4%。

As per Chinese BMI  classification, 34.8 percent of the studied population was overweight and 14.1 percent was obese. The eligible participants were aged 18 or above. And 52.8 percent were male. About 41.1 percent of Chinese men were overweight or obese compared with 27.7 percent of Chinese women, and 18.2 percent of men being obese compared to 9.4 percent of women.

BMI:Body Mass In dex,身体质量指数


The prevalence of overweight peaked at age 50 to 54 in males and at age 65 to 69 in females. The prevalence of obesity peaked at age 35 to 39 in males and at age 70 to 74 in females.



There are several reasons why men are more prone to obesity, with causes usually related to the stress and emotions in life or work, said Wu Xueyan, a professor from the endocrinology department at Peking Union Medical College Hospital.


Long-term excessive stress and negative emotions could lead to the increased secretion of stress hormone — adrenal glucocorticoid, which plays a role in combating insulin and increasing abdominal fat accumulation, according to Wu.



In order to relieve stress and release emotions, men often resort to unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking alcohol and overeating, and long term insufficient or irregular sleep can also lead to male obesity, Wu said.



By region, the proportion of overweight and obesity in the north is generally higher than that in the south, with Inner Mongolia (37.1 percent), Shandong (37.1 percent), and Hebei (36.6 percent) ranking among the top three.



BMI(Body Mass Index) 指数,即身体质量指数,是国际上常用的衡量人体胖瘦程度以及是否健康的标准之一。
Body mass index (BMI) is a value derived from the mass (weight) and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is expressed in units of kg/m2, resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres.


正常体重:BMI 18.5~<24 kg/m^2
超重:BMI 24~<28 kg/m^2
肥胖:BMI ≥28 kg/m^2


超重和肥胖者最常见的并发症complications 是脂肪性肝病fatty liver disease 、前驱糖尿病prediabetes 、血脂异常dyslipidaemia 和高血压 (hypertension)


相比之下,BMI正常者,最常见的并发症是前驱糖尿病(23.0%)、血脂异常(16.9%)、颈动脉斑块carotid plaque (14.3%)和脂肪肝疾病(13.3%) 。

保持身材 为健康


Due to poor diet and sedentary behavior, the population with metabolic syndrome, characterized by abdominal obesity, has increased significantly in modern times, said Li Buman, deputy director of endocrine immunology department at Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital.

伴随身体能量摄入与消耗不平衡而来的超重和肥胖问题 并非无法解决,相反,它可预测,也可预防。



➀  限制能量摄入,尤其是以脂肪和糖形式摄入的能量;
Limit energy intake, especially in the form of fat and sugar.

➁  多吃水果、蔬菜,以及豆类、全谷类和坚果,比如每天至少摄入400克的水果和蔬菜;
Eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts, such as eating at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day.

Engage in regular physical activity, such as 60 minutes a day for children and 150 minutes a week for adults.


Source:China Daily

编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)




