How much did it cost to build the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?

  中国日报双语新闻   2018-10-25 09:49:56


The plan to build a link road across the Pearl River Estuary was first initiated by Hong Kong industrialist Gordon Wu Ying-sheung in 1983. After several twists and turns, the Feasibility Study started in March 2004 under State Council’s approval. The study report was approved in October 2009, followed by a commencement ceremony on Dec 15 in the same year, chaired by then Vice-Premier Li Keqiang in Zhuhai.



So far, the latest cost of HZMB is about 120 billion yuan (US$17.4 billion), of which the 29.6-km Main Bridge invested by three governments is about 48.1 billion yuan. The rest are investments by individual governments on their ports and link roads to the Main Bridge.

The cost allocation among the three governments shown as above is settled by the assessment of economic benefits they can get after the bridge opens.


来源: 中国日报双语新闻
