Should we fear AI? 我们应该害怕人工智能吗?

  中国日报   2024-03-15 15:42:44

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词汇:technology 科技

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence  – or AI – has become an important part of our lives. It is no longer just a thing of science fiction : it's an incredible technological breakthrough  that has changed the way we live. But there are fears that AI has become too intelligent and could be a threat to humanity .

This claim might sound extreme, but a letter signed by more than 1,000 technology experts, including Tesla boss Elon Musk, called on the world to press pause  on the development of more advanced  AI because of the risks. Estonian billionaire Jaan Tallinn, for example, who helped develop communication app  Skype, thinks we should be cautious. And The Future of Life Institute, a not-for-profit organisation, says that there should be a temporary pause in advanced AI development, saying that "AI systems with human-competitive  intelligence can pose profound  risks to society and humanity."

This pessimistic outlook is supported by a report by investment bank Goldman Sachs that says AI could replace  the equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs. But it may also mean new jobs and a productivity  boom. We may argue that AI such as chatbots  can help us. State-of-the-art  ChatGPT, for example, has been helping some students write assignments. AI is allowing computers to think or act in a more human way. And machine learning  means computers can learn what to do without being given explicit instructions. The technology is impressive , but as it starts to think for itself, will it outsmart  us?

Some people are more optimistic. AI advocates  say the tech is already delivering real social and economic benefits for people. Meanwhile, the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, has called on governments to work with industry to "limit the risks" of AI. But he says the technology could save lives, particularly in poorer countries. He says, "Just as the world needs its brightest  people focused on its biggest problems, we will need to focus the world's best AIs on its biggest problems." If this happens, maybe humanity will have a future.


artificial intelligence 人工智能,简称 “AI”
science fiction 科幻小说、电影等作品
breakthrough 重大进展,突破
humanity 人类
press pause 按下暂停键,叫停
advanced 先进的
communication app 通讯应用程序
human-competitive 拥有与人类竞争能力的
profound 重大的,深刻的
replace 取代,代替
productivity 生产率
chatbot 聊天机器人
state-of-the-art 最先进的,应用最新技术的
machine learning 机器学习
impressive 给人留下深刻印象的
outsmart 在智力上胜过,比…更聪明
advocate 支持者,提倡者
brightest 最聪明的





