品湘记 | 国际味儿?湘辣味儿?“工程机械之都”的新鲜味儿

  新湖南客户端   2019-05-18 13:18:37

新湖南客户端记者 周杨 彭可心 视频 李真明 陆薇





三天前, “2019长沙国际工程机械展览会”正式启幕,作为东道主的湖南迎来了全球目光的聚焦。澳大利亚、印度、巴基斯坦、芬兰、南苏丹……来自不同国家的观众们纷纷竖起大拇指,一起为这次国际工程机械展打Call!此次展会让他们对湖南和长沙留下了深刻的印象。


美国的记者Brandon Zatt形容展会“非常专业且令人印象深刻”。“看到了世界上许多著名企业的展位,也有许多湖南本土工程机械企业的创新,我很喜欢这次展会。”

来自巴基斯坦的Shani说,这次展会“非常涨知识。” 在他眼中,这次工程机械展览盛会是对湖南机械产业实力的最好证明。“未来湖南的工程机械会越来越好!”




虽然之前对湖南和长沙不甚了解,可是同在工程机械领域的Matteo Calo早就听过中联和三一。这次来到长沙,Matteo非常高兴,因为“来到了三一重工的大本营”。

来到长沙国际工程机械展,Andreas Braun才发现,“原来湖南本土有这么多专业的工程机械企业和产品。”Andreas Braun认为,长沙有比较好的工程机械制造业基础,“三一和中联都在这里,这是个有战略性发展机遇的城市。”



记者在采访中发现,伟人故乡和辛辣湘菜是大多数外国友人对湖南长沙的初始印象。但短短几天的长沙行程,却让他们对 “新湖南”有了更深的了解。

第一次来长沙的Andreas Braun中文流利。原来他2003年便来过中国,是个中国通。记者夸他中文好,他害羞地摆摆手,“一般一般啦!” 虽然是第一次来长沙,但Andreas Braun已经彻底被湖南菜“圈粉”了。“湖南菜非常好吃,因为我非常喜欢吃辣。之前我只知道川菜这么辣,但现在我打算多尝尝湖南菜。”


对于经常出入湖南的Shane来说,感触最深的应该就是长沙的交通发展。“长沙变化太大了!” 一次次长沙之旅,他见证了湖南交通发展的巨变,“长沙陆续修建了高铁和地铁。14年前,特别是冬天,飞机可能会因为天气原因无法起飞。而现在从长沙到广州的高铁每隔20分钟就有一班。便利的交通推进了我们与湖南的经贸交流合作。”

Hello, everyone, nice to see you again. I can still remember, last time Hans, the French who tried the Xiang embroidery,said that Changsha is getting more and more international.Recently, Changsha has once again held a large-scale international exhibition to attract countless foreigners. What exhibition is so fascinating? What do foreigners think of thisexhibition? Let’s take a look!

The 2019 Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition (CICEE) opened in Changsha, capital city of Central China's Hunan Province, on Wednesday.Shane Rouhan, from Australia, came specifically for the Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition. “(This exhibition is)very good! Very well done.” Shane said that he is also looking forward to the future exhibition. “In the future, there will be many more products. It will be strong in the exhibition in China.”

American Brandon Zatt is a reporter for Phoenix TV. He strongly praised the Changsha International Construction Machinery Exhibition and described the exhibition as "quite impressive and very professional" (I saw) " a wide range of companies around the world and a lot of innovation in Hunan local base companies."Shani said that he really realized the power of the industrial machinery in Hunan. "This is a great feast! The scale of the exhibition is large, the specifications are high. It's very informative." He said, "In the future, Hunan's construction machinery will get better and better!"

In this exhibition, local enterprises in Hunan attracted the attention of the whole world.As early as 14 years ago, his company started its cooperation with Zoomlion. During the 14 years of cooperation, he realized that Zoomlion is a worthy partner.Shane said, “There will be much more cooperations between China and Australia in the future.”Matteo Calo, who is working for Cales, is very happy to come to Changsha because he came to the headquarters of Sany Heavy Industry.

After came to Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition, Andreas Braun discovered that “there are so many professional construction machinery enterprises, like Sany and Zoomlion, in Hunan.” Andreas Braun believes that Changsha has a good foundation for construction machinery manufacturing.

Hunan has always played an essential role in presenting the image of China's manufacturing to the world and promoting the construction of the Belt and Road. “Sany and Zoomlionare also very famous in Europe and Africa.” Nesian from the Netherlands said, “if you are in Africa, you will see a lot of advertisements of Zoomlion and Sany. Their markets are not only in Europe, but also throughout Africa.”

In the interview, the reporter found that the hometown of Chairman Mao and the spicy Hunan cuisine were the initial impressions of most foreign friends on Changsha, Hunan. However, this trip to Changsha gave them a deeper understanding of Hunan.

Andreas Braun, who came to Changsha for the first time, is fluent in Chinese. It turned out that he came to China in 2003. The reporter praised his Chinese, he is a little bit shy and said "Just so so!" Although it was the first time to come to Changsha, Andreas Braun has absolutelybecame a fans of Hunan cuisine. “Hunan cuisine is very delicious, I like spicy food very much. I only knew that Sichuan food before, but now I am going to trymore Hunan food.”

Last time Nesian came to Changsha is 12 years ago. She said: "When I came to Changsha for the first time, I visited the Hunan Provincial Museum and was attracted by the unique culture." After 12 years, she was surprised the changes of Hunan.

As for Shane, who often goes to Hunan, he said he was impressed by the traffic development in Changsha. "Changsha has changed too much! Now you built high-speed rail and subway. In 14 years ago, especially in winter, the plane may stuck due to the weather. Now, there are high-speed rail trains from Changsha to Guangzhou every 20 minutes. "



